"In my search to see reality in myself, I may come to the door of perception. But it will not open, truth will not be revealed, so long as I cling to what I know. I need to have empty hands to approach the unknown."
- Jeanne de Salzmann
The Society for Arts and Ideas is a diverse collection of people from all walks of life interested in the pursuit of self-discovery through the practice and study of the ideas first brought to the west at the beginning of the 20th century by G.I. Gurdjieff.

The Work is an oral tradition, studied and practiced through exchange and verification with fellow students and mentors. Mr Gurdjieff stressed the importance of exchanging observations about one's inner work and working together in various ways
Today, those interested in self development largely acknowledge Gurdjieff as the one who brought ideas so currently studied in the field of spiritual development to the West as early as 1923.